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Kim, describe your perfect day?

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

My perfect day would include mushroom and brie eggs benedict for breakfast. I would have a coffee with Baileys in it before breakfast and a champagne and orange juice during. The weather would be warm and beautiful and I would get to go swimming in a lake. Alternatively, I could also describe a rainy winter day spent by a fire as perfect as well. Breakfast would stay the same though…

Other enjoyable activities I might add to my perfect day (when sunny outside) include frisbee golf or go karting. I would have ample time alone as well as adequate and enjoyable time with my family and friends, maybe having a BBQ and a game of bocci ball. On cold and rainy perfect day I’d end in a hot tub before settling in to watch a survivor marathon starring Boston Rob, or a Big Brother marathon where Janelle and Kaysar make it farther than the first 5 episodes… I feel like this isn’t very imaginative… But I’d enjoy these ‘perfect days’ none the less.

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