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Kim Lenton
Oct 2, 20211 min read
Kim, would you rather take a busy European vacation or stay at the same Caribbean resort?
Would you rather take an action-packed European vacation or spend two weeks at the same Caribbean resort? Caribbean resort all the way!!!...
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Lia MacBean
Oct 1, 20211 min read
Lia, would you rather take a busy European vacation or stay at the same Caribbean resort?
Would you rather take an action-packed European vacation or spend two weeks at the same Caribbean resort? Caribbean resort for 2 weeks.
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Meredith Kaknevicius
Sep 30, 20211 min read
Meredith, would you rather take a busy European vacation or stay at the same Caribbean resort?
Would you rather take an action-packed European vacation or spend two weeks at the same Caribbean resort? I gravitate towards the...
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Lindsay Schwietz
Sep 29, 20211 min read
Lindsay, would you rather take a busy European vacation or stay at the same Caribbean resort?
Would you rather take an action-packed European vacation or spend two weeks at the same Caribbean resort? It depends on my mood, but I’m...
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Kara Jessie Steyaert
Sep 28, 20211 min read
Kara, would you rather take a busy European vacation or stay at the same Caribbean resort?
Would you rather take an action-packed European vacation or spend two weeks at the same Caribbean resort? At this point in time, I want...
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Sarah Diop
Sep 27, 20211 min read
Sarah, would you rather take a busy European vacation or stay at the same Caribbean resort?
Would you rather take an action-packed European vacation or spend two weeks at the same Caribbean resort? Neither sounds good to me. I’d...
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